It could be said that everyone knows Cambridge University, or at least its exams. What is not so well known is that they are the leading publisher of content for learning the English language. We started collaborating with them in 2016 to redesign editorial collections, marketing materials, and digital products.
Modernizing the interior of learning books with a fresh timeless design
Have you ever thought that language books are editorial products with an outdated aesthetic? Working with a company like Cambridge you get to understand why this can happen: the production process of a book of this type is very long-lasting.
You can spend several years from ideation, through design and layout, then the user tests, fit for the different markets until it reaches the hands of the final student. This long-lasting process can cause an “old fashion look”, meaning that the product is born already old. So, this is always the challenge, designing for students that will not get the product until 4 or 5 years from now.
Covers, the key asset to seduce the user
Cover Design operates differently within Cambridge. It is a process that has its own stages, it culminates when it’s tested with real teachers as the last milestone before being brought to market. Something totally logical because it is considered the key element for the seduction and conveyance of the values of the editorial product.
A brand matter above all
Each editorial product is brought to market with a unique brand approach. Cambridge takes care of all the details to assure the experience for teachers and students is something memorable when using their collections.