The renowned French optics and audiology company, ALAIN AFFLELOU, had 320 sale stores in Spain when they contacted us. What was their need? To manage and design a large volume of marketing and advertising creativities, in addition to all the national campaigns – mostly inherited from the Paris headquarters -. Each store needed ad-hoc campaigns to boost its sales at a local level. Ultimately, ALAIN AFFLELOU needed a design partner capable of assimilate and organize the complex flow of requests, while also offering high availability and agile execution. That’s where we fit in.
We analyzed and typified their design needs and realized that the best thing to do was to refine the traditional client-agency relationship. Managing that volume of work throughout e-mails exchange was not a viable solution, this traditional process could turn out to be chaotic at work peaks and moments of great need (Ex: the launching of national campaigns). Our solution was to improve that workflow process by implementing a digital project and task management tool; which allowed us to absorb all the requests and create a real collaborative environment between the members of both teams (client-studio).
+3 years of successful collaboration! During this time we support the trade marketing, advertising, communication, and social media teams. Over 5,500 completed tasks. An average of 375 hours of work per month. 1.75 Terabytes of data exchanged on Drive. Lots of phone calls, of course … But no emails!